OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Supported OPC UA Profiles
Advanced Topics > Supported OPC Specifications > Supported OPC UA Profiles
In This Topic

QuickOPC supports following facets of OPC UA Profiles. Categories and profiles are sorted alphabetically.

Here, we can only list profiles that are actually defined by the OPC Foundation. QuickOPC also supports features for which there are no standard profiles defined. Specifically, in the Security and Transport categories, QuickOPC has support for additional security policies and transports other than just those listed here.

For this reason, the OPC UA Profiles list should not be understood as a list of QuickOPC features with regard to OPC UA - it is only their subset. The purpose of this list is to allow matching of the client capabilities against a list of requirements, if the requirements are expressed in terms of OPC UA Profiles.

Client Category

Alarm & Condition

Core Characteristics

Data Access

Event Access

Generic Features

Subscriber Category

Core Characteristics


Security Category


(Note: More security policies are available than just those covered by these standard profiles. See the Caution box at the top of the article, and Supported OPC UA Security Policies).


User Token

Transport Category


(Note: More transports are available than just those covered by these standard profiles. See the Caution box at the top of the article).



See Also